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0 - Hello - I Am Back - xx - What You Wanna Know

member since 31 March 2011

0 - Hello - I Am Back - x

Hey . ←
I am who I am :] Okay , I'm Alexiis. Maybe you know me. :-j I think that you're tired to see me here. But , this is the life :)). I'm sad when you say that I'm ugly. :( I am sick to see you say that I'm a bitch... Keep your opinion for you , please ;). I am just a girl.If you don't like me , don't leave me comments. That's all ;). So.. I am back and that's all that matters to me :x I am here and I will stay here .. I hope :] .

Bye. :x ←
Love ♥«ε(●̮̮̃•̃)з
Love ♥«ε(●̮̮̃•̃)з
'Cuz This Is Me' . ;;) ♥
'Cuz This Is Me' . ;;) ♥
Free Hugs :x ♥
Free Hugs :x ♥

Comments • 7

xToxiicLove 1 April 2012  
Lov3Musik 31 March 2011  
☻ → Hello!
xToxicLove 31 March 2011  
Hello :x
xRoxiiIsMyNamexD 31 March 2011  
xToxicLove 31 March 2011  
Hey'ya ♥
ChuppyBunny 31 March 2011  
Heii <3
xToxicLove 31 March 2011  
Hey. :]
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